Founded in 1989 by Sister Joan Kathleen Gercke, SSJ, Patricia Barrett and Joanne Rossi, C.A.R.E. has served as a powerful community of faith for our brothers and sisters with developmental disabilities. One Monday evening each month, a group of volunteers offer an outstanding religious education program known as C.A.R.E. (Catholic Adult Religious Education) at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in Oak Ridge, developed and moderated by two volunteers with a BA in Special Education.
C.A..R.E. is a close knit community of people who share their faith and the important things in their lives through discussion and prayer. Each evening has a basic structure, but each is also different based on the needs of the individuals and/or the season of the Church year. These sessions are ecumenical programs of spiritual enrichment and are open to people living in group homes and to people living at home with their families. Singing, prayer and fellowship create an opportunity to share with each other in the love of God. The dedicated professionals who facilitate the program are experienced working with people with various disabilities and they work closely with the other volunteers in planning each session. Because of the time, labor and love that go into each meeting, the sessions become a highlight of the month for those who attend.
This is barrier free environment accessible to everyone.
~Sacramental preparation is available and provided on a one to one basis when requested as part of the C.A.R.E. program.~
C.A.R.E. volunteers Jeaneete Geary, Ed Lavorgna, Joanne Rossi, Janice Carolan